We continue to enjoy traveling across the district and gathering with a different church each Sunday morning. Some weeks, we are able to be with a different church in the evening as well. Thank you for your welcoming hearts. You receive and treat us like royalty. Each of you are so very special.

Continue to pray for our churches who are searching for pastors: Nuevos Comienzos, Collinsville New Community, Benton First and Urbana The Hope.

We are thrilled to introduce to you new pastors on the district. Pastor Juan & Rachel Ricapito have accepted the call to serve as pastor of the Effingham Amanecer Iglesia del Nazareno. They began their ministry assignment in August. We are so excited to have them back active on the district and believe there are great days ahead for the Iglesia in Effingham.

We are pleased to introduce to you Juan Pascual Gaspar Garcia who will begin serving at Beardstown Libertad at the beginning of the year. Juan has been a key laymen in our Nuevos Comienzos Church. He is pursuing a call to pastor by attending Bible College and applying for a district license.


At district assembly, we announced a reduction in the District
Allocation percentage from 5.85% to 4.85%. Because of that
reduction, a total right at $22,000 has stayed in the local
churches across the district for you to do ministry and reach
your community with the love and grace of Jesus.