We continue to find our joy in Christ and the incredible opportunities Jesus provides for us to come alongside such wonderful people who are committed to being Christ-followers.
I have been sharing with our pastors in recent days the calling of Matthew in Matthew 9. Take a look at the dialogue that occurs, look at what is happening around his calling. Matthew 8 & 9 are filled with stories of Christ’s supernatural power to speak healing into the lives of individuals – a leper is healed, the faith of a centurion to see Jesus heal his servant, Peter’s mother-in-law healed, a furious storm stilled, two demon possessed men healed, a paralyzed man forgiven and restored, a dead girl raised, a woman with a long-term bleeding disorder healed, miracle after miracle. God’s supernatural brought about by the word and touch of Jesus. And in the middle of all this God calls
Matthew from his life of tax collecting to a life of ‘taking up the cross’ to become His disciple. The calling and transformation of Matthew, a tax collector, is of the supernatural. It is not just the common place, it is the unexpected. Matthew was not the one who people would pick to follow Jesus, but Matthew’s past, his occupation, his association with the Romans did not stop Jesus from seeing the possibilities of Matthew becoming his disciple.
We too must not allow a person’s past, occupation, associations, unChristlike actions or attitudes keep us from seeing the
possibilities and the potential of someone becoming a follower of Jesus Christ.
May our prayer always be, Lord help me see the possibilities in the people you bring into my path. Help me to look beyond the church walls, to see what Jesus sees.
………….. Grace & Peace
Your District Servants
Terry & Becky